Andrej Petrovic / Slavic Studies

As recipient of this year’s Mead Honored Faculty award, I am wondering about the following: since the circumstances are what they are, the scope for activities is fairly limited. Yet, for that very reason and out of my concern for our undergraduates’ physical and psychological well-being I am really keen to do something for them.

This semester I teach around 10 undergraduate students and would like to purchase for them 10 picnic baskets and 10 blankets, maybe a few single-person sun umbrellas and use the grant to purchase food and refreshments (ether delivery, or allocate 150 $ to them directly), so that I can meet my students for several picnics on and around the grounds throughout the Fall (those who have expressed the interest, which is all of them who are residing in C’ville this semester), of course, in a socially distanced and policy compliant fashion. There’d be two groups of 5 participants each.