Nomi Dave / Music

Since arriving at UVA, I have wanted to help promote the performance and enjoyment of Indian music locally. My dream idea is to organize an ongoing vocal workshop for four to six students interested in practicing and performing Indian vocal music. The vocal workshop would involve bi-monthly sessions led by Nirmal Bajekal, a classically trained musician who has taught at a number of colleges and universities in the US. These sessions would focus on the theory and practice of Hindustani (North Indian) classical music, during which we would learn particular scales, modes and compositions. In the other weeks, we will meet amongst ourselves to practice the modes and compositions that we have been working on. During the year, we will also organize one or two broader vocal technique sessions, so that students with a background in Karnatic (South Indian) music could also participate. My aim is for the vocal workshop to serve as the center of a broader community of performers of both North and South Indian music at UVA, involving students and musicians from different traditions and instruments. One way in which this will happen is by ending each session with an informal gathering, in which we will have tea and Indian snacks and will share our thoughts and ideas. These gatherings will be open to anyone who would like to attend, including any musicians who want to bring their instruments along to play together. In this setting, we can discuss cultural histories and meanings of Indian music, as well as sharing our own individual experiences of it.

In addition to the vocal sessions, I will also take the students to a performance of Indian classical music in Richmond or Washington, DC during the year. This trip will be an opportunity for us to spend time together away from our own practice, and to listen to a well-established artist perform. We will be able to reflect on what we have learned ourselves over the year, not just as performers but as listeners.

Proposed budget:

  • Tuition fees for 12 vocal sessions x $125: $1,500
  • Tea and snacks for weekly gatherings $720
  • Concert tickets for 6 students $300
  • Transport to/from concert $180
  • Post-concert dinner $300

TOTAL $3,000