Sara Maloni / Mathematics

 In this class I would like to challenge the idea of Mathematics as an isolated subject built on dry formulas or arithmetic and show to the students what Mathematics is for me: beauty, symmetries, hidden patterns, curiosity, problem solving. Too often I see people having a rigid, old-fashioned idea of what Mathematics is, and labelling themselves as "not Maths people", thinking "Mathematics is only for geniuses". I hope this experience will change this perspective for the students. I plan to do that using Hyperbolic Geometry. 

Hyperbolic geometry is a non-Euclidean geometry where every point looks like a saddle point. A lot of the geometric ideas behind this geometry create beautiful symmetric patterns that create pieces of art. At the same time, art helps mathematics to visualize hard to grasp concepts. I hope to explore this mutual relationship in the group, and at the same time make Mathematics more accessible and concrete for a diverse group of students.

More concretely, we hope to meet regularly in the new "STEM Maker Room" to create some related Mathematical objects, using crochet, 3D printing machines, CNC routers, and laser cutters. Specialists Gail Hunger and Jason Bennett will kindly assist us. We noticed that documenting the process will also be important, and will create a "library" of experiences for future users for the space. I hope this regular collaboration will help students build a small supporting community and spark a stronger enthusiasm and curiosity for Mathematics and research. If the project will be successful, we hope to make this experience a regular program associated to the Mathematics Department. 


  • lunches (= $15/pp *10 people *12 lunches) = $1,800

  • material for working (crotchet material, material for 3d printing, wood for laser cutting, etc.)

  • Mathematics books for students (TBD)